1,128 research outputs found

    Illustrating the impact of commercial determinants of health on the global COVID-19 pandemic : thematic analysis of 16 country case studies

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    Previous research on commercial determinants of health has primarily focused on their impact on non-communicable diseases. However, they also impact on infectious diseases and on the broader preconditions for health. We describe, through case studies in 16 countries, how commercial determinants of health were visible during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they may have influenced national responses and health outcomes. We use a comparative qualitative case study design in selected low- middle- and high-income countries that performed differently in COVID-19 health outcomes, and for which we had country experts to lead local analysis. We created a data collection framework and developed detailed case studies, including extensive grey and peer-reviewed literature. Themes were identified and explored using iterative rapid literature reviews. We found evidence of the influence of commercial determinants of health in the spread of COVID-19. This occurred through working conditions that exacerbated spread, including precarious, low-paid employment, use of migrant workers, procurement practices that limited the availability of protective goods and services such as personal protective equipment, and commercial actors lobbying against public health measures. Commercial determinants also influenced health outcomes by influencing vaccine availability and the health system response to COVID-19. Our findings contribute to determining the appropriate role of governments in governing for health, wellbeing, and equity, and regulating and addressing negative commercial determinants of health

    Los Determinantes Sociales de Salud y la lucha por la equidad en salud: desafíos para el estado y la sociedad civil

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    WHO has launched the Commission on Social determinants of Health which will deliver its final report in 2008. The social determinants of health (SDH) approach is not a new subject but one which has gained more visibility with the widening of inequities, blamed on the neo-liberal development model. Progressively, social justice issues are re-emerging, backed by evidence and new approaches which crystallize the relationship between unequal distribution of SDH and their consequences, unequal health outcomes. Processes like globalization under a neo-liberal brand and climate change influence the SDH, resulting in acute inequities and social marginalization. There are some successful examples of countries with policies addressing the SDH. For example, Sweden, with due regard to its particular political and institutional context, has developed public health intersectoral policies that aim at decreasing health inequities. These policies also encourage a participatory model as a means of efficiently tackling the SDH. Another example is Chile which is building a children social protection system (Chile Crece Contigo) using an integrated approach that includes right-based and SDH approaches. The programme's objective is universal coverage with a life cycle approach. A major milestone for civil society in Latin America is the effort by the Americas' Civil Society organizations to strengthen a dialogue that fosters a common agenda on the SDH. The organizations are working with the governments of Brazil, Chile, the OIAS, PAHO and WHO. Their goal is to introduce a new participatory and sustainable development mode, one which is participatory, rights-based and ensures sustainable improvements of SDHs and benefits all people.La OMS ha creado una Comisión de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud que producirá su reporte en el 2008. Aunque el tema de los determinantes sociales (DSS) de la salud no es nuevo, la nueva visibilidad global en el tema refleja el agotamiento del modelo de desarrollo neoliberal que ha agudizado la inequidad y consecuentemente hace resurgir el tema de la justicia social. Nuevos enfoques y evidencia ubican la inequidad en salud como resultado de la inequitativa distribución de los DSS. Procesos en curso como la globalización de signo neoliberal y el cambio climático agudizan las inequidades así como la exclusión en salud al actuar directa y desigualmente sobre los DSS. Algunos ejemplos de políticas publicas exitosas: Suecia, dado su particular contexto político-institucional ha desarrollado una política (intersectorial) de salud publica cuyo objetivo es disminuir la inequidad diseñando estrategias participativas sobre sus DSS. Chile viene también construyendo inclusivamente un sistema de protección social infantil (Chile Crece Contigo) a partir de una integración de programas bajo un norte de derechos y de DSS. La meta es la cobertura universal con un enfoque de ciclo de vida. Finalmente, la Sociedad Civil de las Américas viene desarrollando un debate hacia una agenda común en el tema de los DSS, con los gobiernos de Brasil y Chile así como la OEA, OPS y OMS. Los ejes son la lucha por un nuevo modelo de desarrollo participativo y sostenible que democratice el abordaje de los DSS bajo un enfoque de derechos

    Inequidades en salud y sus determinantes: del desorden y el desdén político en tiempos neoliberales al bienestar y el desarrollo sostenible

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    Towards MARTE++ : an enhanced UML-based language to Model and Analyse Real-Time and Embedded Systems for the IoT age

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    This paper presents requirements for an enhanced version of the UML Profile for MARTE, the current standard of the OMG for the modelling and analysis of real-time embedded systems. Since its adoption by the OMG in 2009 and after the various additions along recent years, MARTE has been essayed in a number of application domains and validation approaches. This paper makes a review of these various efforts describing extensions, additional functionality, and modeling needs that may serve as inputs for the preparation of a formal request for proposals (RFP) at the OMG. Aspects that have been found useful to have in it include modern platforms like Multi-core, Many-core and GPUs, networking for broader domains like the Internet of Things, federation of all modelling artifacts involved in the development process, including tracing mechanisms embedded in the language to link design and run-time artifacts, and more elaborated kinds of quantitative analyses and extra functional properties, like energy and memory consumption, heat dissipation, and temperature distribution. Also methodological aspects like its specification as a profile and/or as a meta-model will need to be discussed. Finally, the standard needs to be reviewed against the new executable UML related specifications; particularly to be in alignment with those semantics of state machines and composite structures.This work receives funding from the Spanish Government under grant number TIN2014-56158-C4-2-P (M2C2), and from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 737494 (MegaM@RT2). This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Sweden, France, Spain, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insights and proposals of improvement

    Evaluación de pastas de Hesperaloe funifera obtenidas con un proceso de bajo consumo energético como material de refuerzo de pastas recicladas

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    The aim of this work is to study the reinforcement capacity of pulps obtained from Hesperaloe funifera using a simple and low energy consumption process (chemi refiner mechanical pulping) once they are added in different percentages to recycled pulps from newspaper and from old corrugated containers (OCC). Pinus radiata kraft pulp was used as a referent reinforcement material. H. funifera acted as a reinforcement material in newspaper and OCC recycled pulps, improving their optical and mechanical properties. While a 25% of H. funifera was the optimal amount added to reinforce the OCC pulp, only a 10% was needed for newspaper pulp. However, the OCC optimal mixture was better reinforced as it showed higher increase in all properties than the optimal newspaper mixture, apart from tensile index. Finally, all mixtures with P. radiata kraft pulp produce handsheet with lower properties, apart from tear index, suggesting than H. funifera is a better reinforcement material.El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la capacidad de refuerzo de pastas de Hesperaloe funifera obtenidas mediante un proceso simple de bajo consumo energético (pasteado químico-mecánico de refino) una vez añadidas en diferentes porcentajes a pastas recicladas de periódicos y de cartón ondulado (OCC). Se utilizó como material de refuerzo de referencia pasta kraft de Pinus radiata. H. funifera mejoró las propiedades ópticas y mecánicas de todas las pastas recicladas estudiadas, demostrando su capacidad de refuerzo. Mientras que un 25% de H. funifera fue la cantidad óptima para reforzar la pasta de OCC, sólo un 10% fue necesario para la pasta de periódicos. Sin embargo, la mezcla óptima de OCC mostró un mayor incremento en todas las propiedades que la mezcla óptima de periódicos, a excepción del índice de tracción. Por último, todas las mezclas de pasta kraft de P. radiata proporcionaron hojas con menores propiedades mecánicas, a excepción del índice de desgarro, lo que sugiere que H. funifera es un material de refuerzo más eficaz

    La vida humana como derecho

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Moral y Política I, leída el 05-11-2015This thesis entitled "Human Life as a Right" aims to analyze what a human life is, when it begins and what degree of legal protection it receives and should be granted. In short, whether it is viewed as a right and, if so, is it recognized by law? Since it is a universally recognized right (UDHR), its real value should be ascertained. Is it a substantive law? Or has it become a formal right over time that is infringed or unapplied in various phases and life situations? Either with the abortion of the unborn conceived, the euthanasia of the sick, the use of the death penalty, death due to religious persecution, the lack of positive and preventive social action against death by starvation, the lack of suicide prevention, the embryonic manipulation and instrumentation or, simply, denying humanness, giving priority to the “animal” values, violating human dignity, its essence, its rights and the defense of life itself. To this end, I begin by addressing issues of this accelerated time we live in, Kairos in Greek mythology, and the concept of progress. Life sciences, the beginning of life according to science and the bioethical issues that arise every day in this important relationship between science and life. Among the many issues raised, I have focused my attention on surrogacy contracts where –as pointed out our Supreme Court- an unacceptable commoditization of both rented-exploited women and unborn children occurs; leading to a real reification of human beings. Logically, I stopped to consider the concept of law, natural rights, natural law, as well as the so-called universal ethics, the inherent dignity of the human being, its historical evolution and current consideration...Depto. de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del DerechoFac. de DerechoTRUEunpu